Helping Thousands of Plantar Fasciitis Sufferers get relief from heel pain, heal Their feet & Reverse the symptoms of plantar fasciitis...Naturally 

Keep Reading if You're Experiencing:

  • Severe Heel Pain first thing in the morning
  • ​Stabbing Pain in your heel and other areas of your feet
  • Tight Calves
  • Arch Problems
  • ​Heel Spurs
  • ​Pain Going Barefoot
  • ​Achy Feet at the end of the day, or immediately after resting

Your 6-Week Recovery Program 

Our 49 Page Guide + 6 Week Video Coaching Provides a Detailed Outline With Everything You Need to Know

Quick Relief Routine

This daily, 15 minute training, will be broken down into 4 weeks. For each week, you will do specific stretches, exercises and massages to get relief first thing in the morning and throughout the day. Do no more and no less! You will be surprised as the pain numbers come down EACH week.

Quick Relief Routine

This daily, 15 minute training, will be broken down into 4 weeks. For each week, you will do specific stretches, exercises and massages to get relief first thing in the morning and throughout the day. Do no more and no less! You will be surprised as the pain numbers come down EACH week.

Exercise Movement Instructions

We provide video, and written, step -by-step instructions to help you recover from plantar fasciitis. Many of these exercises will be new for you. It's important to do the specific exercises, stretches and massages each week to experience the best results.

Exercise Movement Instructions

We provide video, and written, step -by-step instructions to help you recover from plantar fasciitis. Many of these exercises will be new for you. It's important to do the specific exercises, stretches and massages each week to experience the best results.

Encouragement & Motivation

We know first hand how difficult this is for you, and we will send regular motivation and encouragement! After all, you have already tried so many things, let us provide the proven framework to get you through recovery successfully. We want you to overcome this debilitating heel pain and get back to living your life to the fullest!

Encouragement & Motivation

We know first hand how difficult this is for you, and we will send regular motivation and encouragement! After all, you have already tried so many things, let us provide the proven framework to get you through recovery successfully. We want you to overcome this debilitating heel pain and get back to living your life to the fullest!

Diet & Supplementation Tips

Nutrition is so important not just for recovering from heel pain, but also to avoid flare-ups down the road and other aches and pains that come up. Your body needs certain things to speed up the healing process and not cause unnecessary pain. We lay it all out for you: use this-instead-of-that food lists, key supplements, and the health benefits you can enjoy for years to come.

Shoe & Barefoot Guide

Some shoes may worsen your symptoms and most plantar fasciitis sufferers don't realize it! We list out exactly what to look for in shoes, and at what stage it is safe to have less cushion, and graduate to going barefoot! This will help you recover faster and with fewer complications.

Diet & Supplementation Tips

Nutrition is so important not just for recovering from heel pain, but also to avoid flare-ups down the road and other aches and pains that come up. Your body needs certain things to speed up the healing process and not cause unnecessary pain. We lay it all out for you: use this-instead-of-that food lists, key supplements, and the health benefits you can enjoy for years to come.

Shoe & Barefoot Guide

Some shoes may worsen your symptoms and most plantar fasciitis sufferers don't realize it! We list out exactly what to look for in shoes, and at what stage it is safe to have less cushion, and graduate to going barefoot!  This will help you recover faster and with fewer complications.

Important Additional Information

Anything and everything you need to know about this debilitating condition is spelled out for you. Your knowledge about heel pain will give you the power to avoid foot problems down the road and make recovery faster!

Important Additional Information

Anything and everything you need to know about this debilitating condition is spelled out for you. Your knowledge about heel pain will give you the power to avoid foot problems down the road and make recovery faster!

Who Is This Program For?

  • Anyone who wants to step out of bed without pain
  • ​Anyone that has dealt with long-lasting heel pain, for months or years
  • ​ Anyone that is looking for a program to restore their feet so they can feel confident on their feet again
  • ​Anyone who is sick and tired of buying more special shoes, just to have pain the minute they come off
  • ​Anyone who has tried many other treatment options and still has heel pain
  • ​Anyone who is unsure which shoes, orthotics, or inserts to buy
  • ​Anyone who is unsure about which healthcare provider to go to
  • ​Anyone who wants to wear flip flops again and go barefoot without pain

Relieve your heel pain & strengthen your arches in less than 6 weeks!

Who We Are...

Dr. AJ Ludlow

is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who is best known for his ability to help long-lasting chronic pain conditions clear-up. Dr. Ludlow's wildly popular Plantar Fasciitis Podcast, Plantar Fasciitis Summit and Youtube channel educates millions of plantar fasciitis sufferers, where he interviews foot and health experts from all over the world. His patients most often describe AJ as “knowledgable, kind, really cares about his patients and their progression, an extremely passionate doctor that truly engages with each patient, a doctor that goes above and beyond.” He is a writer and owns a private clinic that treats professional athletes, ultra-marathon runners, and everyone in between that wants to live a long healthy life, free of pain and health problems well into old age. 

Natalie Hodson

Dr. AJ Ludlow

is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who is best known for his ability to help long-lasting chronic pain conditions clear-up. Dr. Ludlow's wildly popular Plantar Fasciitis Podcast, Plantar Fasciitis Summit and Youtube channel educates millions of plantar fasciitis sufferers, where he interviews foot and health experts from all over the world. His patients most often describe AJ as “knowledgable, kind, really cares about his patients and their progression, an extremely passionate doctor that truly engages with each patient,  a doctor that goes above and beyond.” He is a writer and owns a private clinic that treats professional athletes, ultra-marathon runners, and everyone in between that wants to live a long healthy life, free of pain and health problems well into old age. 

Why I Had to Develop This Program

I'm doing this because I myself suffered with heel pain for 4 years.

 I went to a foot doctor who didn't have any answers. I gained 65 lbs and missed my chance to play college football because no one had answers for the foot pain I was experiencing besides, "wear cushioned shoes and wait it out."

I want to help good people like you to avoid that. To take back that control over your life. To live a life free of pain! This is why I became a physical therapist.

The only problem is traditional physical therapy, cortisone shots, even plantar fasciitis release surgery doesn't work for plantar fasciitis because it is NOT inflammation, and I spent years in a clinic sending good people home in pain.

I got sick of it.

This problem was affecting so many of us! It blew my mind that nobody was really stepping up to make a change!
A recent study indicated that 45% of plantar fasciitis sufferers who have it for 1 year will end up having it for 10 years
I researched, and reached out to experts all over the world until I discovered the root cause of plantar fasciitis. 

There's so much conflicting, inaccurate and outdated information online about what plantar fasciitis is and how to treat it.

Many doctors are advising treatment that will actually made the problem worse and last longer than necessary.

I wanted to provide the correct pain-relieving program to help my patients heal for good. Because that is what my patients deserved.

I set out on A MISSION: To help as many plantar fasciitis sufferers as possible, to get relief and strengthen their feet so this never happens again

And that's when The Heel Strong System came into existence!
Click Below To Get Started!

Check Out These Results!

And Me!!

Our Pain Relief Guarantee!

If The Heel Strong System does not help you get relief, and you've tried it for at least 30 days (healing takes time), we will refund your money IN FULL!  

So, what are you waiting for?!

This is completely risk-free...

If you think there might be the slightest chance that this could provide the relief you so desperately want and need to keep going, stop procrastinating and click the button below to get started on this journey together!

We are here to help you recover so you can be on your feet again!

We are with you every step of the way!

Your friend, your fellow heel pain sufferer, your heel pain doctor,
Dr. AJ Ludlow
Heel Strong System
We feel so grateful to say this program has changes the lives of so many plantar fasciitis sufferers!
Click Below To Get Started!

Heel pain FAQs

  • ​When I purchase Th Heel Strong System how will it be delivered to me? The Heel Strong System is a digital product. You will be immediately directed to a confirmation page with a very obvious blue link to log into the Member's Area where all the week-by-week trainings, Success Journal and Shoe & Barefoot Guides are laid out in a systematic week-by-week program. We will also send an email with the access link right after your purchase for you to save.
  • If I am not getting relief after going through the program, how do I get a refund? Simply send us an email, we provide an email for support with every message of encouragement and motivation along the way, simply reply to one of our emails. We will also answer any questions you have along the way.
  • Do I have to completely stop working or being on my feet to do this program? Absolutely not, you can keep working, taking care of your family and exercising as you go through the program. You'll want to limit all high-intensity activity like High fitness or going barefoot at first while you work on building strength and support in the small muscles of the feet.
  • Will this help even if I've had plantar fasciitis for years? Yes, because it will begin the healing process, but keep in mind the longer the condition has persisted, the longer healing takes. The Heel Strong System will get you on the right path to recovery, it may take a little longer than 6 weeks, but not 10 years if you do nothing.
  • Will this help even if I have heel spurs? Yes, because research has shown that it is the deteriorating plantar fascia that is causing the pain, and not the heel spurs themselves. Patients with heel spurs have gotten relief from heel pain with this program.
  • Can I do this if I had plantar fasciitis release surgery? Yes, but not immediately after surgery. Give your feet the proper time to heal first. Consult your doctor to know when you can start. Slowly begin the Quick Relief Routine to build strength in your small foot muscles so they support your arch and ankles. So this problem does not happen again from weak feet.
  • ​Can I do this if I have had cortisone shots? Yes, and it is highly recommended to build muscle strength and mobility in your feet so you don't need the cortisone shots because they erode the natural cushion from the fat pad on the bottom of your feet.
Click Below To Get Started Today!
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